Thursday, February 26, 2004
Bad Blogs
Finally, my weblog pop ups when you Google "cutest engineer". I found this out yesterday - it made me extremely pleased. The feeling was similar to finding out that you made the cheerleading squad - too much excitement that eventually fizzles when you realize that everyone hates cheerleaders and throws empty beer cans at them during pep rallies. My bubble burst today when I googled cutest engineer again to prove to my coworkers that, yes, I am the cutest engineer.
CE: "See!! My site pops up first. I'm the cutest engineer in the whole wide world!!"
Coworker 1, forcing a smile: "Congratulations, Carrie...", clears his throat, looks down at the carpet.
Coworker 2 with a shit eating grin: "Yeah, Carrie, that's really great!! Hey, what's that site four down? What does it say? Bad Blogs?"
I looked at the posting before clicking on it. I could feel my face turning red; I swallowed hard a couple of times. I knew before opening that cyber door what this website was all about, and yep, there it was. I have been cited for keeping a bad weblog. A guy named Josh, who appears to police the triple W, has booked me on charges of bad blogging. He, of course, referenced one of my less than stellar entries: "Cutest Engineer!! Cutest Engineer!! Cutest Engineer!!". Which, I have to admit, when reading it on his Bad Blogs website made me cringe and suddenly get major stage fright. Well, whatever, this all started out as a silly idea, along with my entitlement of Cutest Engineer. I mean, shit, I got excited playing Hi Ho Cherry-O when I was a kid - I loved those little plastic cherry things. So it shouldn't be shocking that I would get silly over finding my weblog on google or in trying to make it happen. But, who knew that there would be someone lurking around the corner waiting to piss on my parade.
I bet Josh sucks in bed - sucks major donkey dick!!
CE: "See!! My site pops up first. I'm the cutest engineer in the whole wide world!!"
Coworker 1, forcing a smile: "Congratulations, Carrie...", clears his throat, looks down at the carpet.
Coworker 2 with a shit eating grin: "Yeah, Carrie, that's really great!! Hey, what's that site four down? What does it say? Bad Blogs?"
I looked at the posting before clicking on it. I could feel my face turning red; I swallowed hard a couple of times. I knew before opening that cyber door what this website was all about, and yep, there it was. I have been cited for keeping a bad weblog. A guy named Josh, who appears to police the triple W, has booked me on charges of bad blogging. He, of course, referenced one of my less than stellar entries: "Cutest Engineer!! Cutest Engineer!! Cutest Engineer!!". Which, I have to admit, when reading it on his Bad Blogs website made me cringe and suddenly get major stage fright. Well, whatever, this all started out as a silly idea, along with my entitlement of Cutest Engineer. I mean, shit, I got excited playing Hi Ho Cherry-O when I was a kid - I loved those little plastic cherry things. So it shouldn't be shocking that I would get silly over finding my weblog on google or in trying to make it happen. But, who knew that there would be someone lurking around the corner waiting to piss on my parade.
I bet Josh sucks in bed - sucks major donkey dick!!