
Sunday, May 02, 2004

Volume 2: Cops, Robots, Soldiers, and the Annoying Customer Service Person on the Other End of the Phone 

Jesus, I've been writing and rewriting about the connection between these four topics for weeks now. Coming up with what they all have in common was easy enough: The Loss of Common Sense and Free Thinking due to Power, Fear, and Programming.

I wrote this whole long damn essay that talked of the bolded statement made above. But I junked it - it started to take on a tone similar to the rantings and ravings of a conspiracy theorist. It was hard to tie it all together and then explain it. Plus other topics started weeding their way into the essay - consumerism, the Bill of Rights, Mickey Mouse toys, air deodorizers, and TV's. I was all over the place, and I may still be.

I will try to sum it up, but if this doesn't work, then I just flat out give up. I know there's a way to bring this circle to a close, but I've tried for a good couple of weeks to make it work. I even tried designing a flow chart. But the paths between fear and power and the commonalities between the four subjects keep getting intertwined. Is programming the path or is it a result? Well, I think it's a part of the means to an end that starts at the beginning. Anyway, I was never very good at flow charts, which isn't surprising given that I get left and right and yesterday and tomorrow mixed up a lot.

My essay started out with the idea that Fear begets Power and Power begets Fear. I don't guess it really matters which happened first - power or fear. Darwin pretty much summed it all up. Survival starts from hunger, and so the race begins. To keep power, fear must be induced or created - showing fear gives power to the source. And that right there is a very fucked up yin and yang. It's a yin and yang where a dragon chases the tail of a tiger and the tiger the tail of the dragon. Very Darwin like, if you ask me.

Right now, I'm looking at the items floating in my space of a flow chart, and I am again getting lost and feel the pull of a black hole. Let's see... I think I should get to my four topics and maybe something will pan out, because, after all, they are the stars listed in the title.

Starting at the shallow end:
Governments fear attack, uprisings, unruliness, and even the fear of stuff getting stolen, so they try to maintain power by programming their soldiers and police to protect. To protect whom or from what is not a path I really want to go down right now. Some of it, I'm sure, is justified and a lot is not.

In programming police and soldiers you give them guns and other killing devices, which instantly creates fear in people who don't have guns and other killing devices, which in turn gives power to police, soldiers, and really anyone toting guns and other killing devices. Mr. Police Woman feels that she can act like a major asshole and can behave in a pompous manner, showing no courtesy, because the gun attached to her hip gives her the power to do so. But still there are rules, laws, regulations that even the police and soldiers have to abide by, and these are programmed into them, as well.

So programming:
The programming of any human is really breaking down areas of the brain that were once molded by experiences and years of cognitive development. The programmer replaces all of it with whatever the programmer now wants you to think. This can lead to a loss of common sense and can stifle free thought. Programming men and women into police and soldiers, breaks them down and rebuilds them into robots. Annoying Costumer Service People on the Other End of the Phone are programmed by their crap companies to give only general answers; the ability to handle a specific problem that may not lie in the Frequently Asked Questions manual causes severe short circuiting within the inner workings of the Annoying Customer Service Person on the Other End of the Phone.

Do I really need to get into the details concerning Mr. Police Woman again? Where's the common sense in giving a person a second parking ticket within a 30 minute window of the first? Really now, it screams of injustice. I don't feel I need to cite other injustices caused by police mishandlings. Just watch Cops (the TV show), and you'll be astonished by the use of excessive force and coercion. I really can't believe cops get away with that kind of behaviour, much less that they're stupid enough to have it recorded and then displayed on TV nationwide.

With military programming, free thought is reprimanded, and movement occurs only when given orders. The higher ranking officer always knows best, even if he is a dumbass. However, military programming has been malfunctioning as of late. It seems that no feasibility study was performed to assess "post-war" clean-up. Therefore, no programming was created in how to cover your ass from disgruntled militia. Since programming is what a soldier relies on and since his common sense and free thinking were replaced with programming, well, then how will a soldier cover his ass, if no programming exists? April was the bloodiest month seen by the military thus far.

I had to deal with this insurance customer service guy over the phone, whose common sense - if he had any to begin with - was replaced with jargon programmed into his slower than molasses CPU of a brain by his nit-wit company. Instead of answers, I got regurgitated bull cocky; I even took precious time out of my day to explain to him that his if/then statements and do-loops were illogically computing my input, giving me output that totally stunk of horse shit. "Ma'am, I'm trying to help you out here, please don't use such hostile language." Insurance companies have programmed their robots well, creating a fire wall of stupidity that is practically impenetrable.

I'm Done:
Well, I'm not really sure if I've made sense of any of this. I think in a round about way I have explained the bold statement above. It's a pretty bold and extreme statement, I guess. I certainly don't want to imply that all cops and soldiers are lacking in independent thought. I'm more or less commenting on their training and the strict code to which they must adhere. Also, I think a person's mentality changes when having to carry a gun day in and day out. I suppose some people use it their advantage, while others may begin to deteriorate relying on a gun to give them power.

It all started with Mr. Police Woman and then this damn title popped into my head. The four subjects all played roles in the same week, so maybe that's how the title found itself. If someone can better explain the picture those puzzle pieces create, I would love to hear it.

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